Author: Dave Thomas

Installing New Python Versions on Ubuntu

Quick notes on installing an updated version of Python on Ubuntu……

SCP and RSync

A quick post highlighting some useful syntax for scp and rsync (reproduced from here and here, also Digital Ocean’s guide here)…

Fix for Column Names in pypyodbc 1.3.3

I recently ran into an issue in pypyodbc 1.3.3 where column names would be truncated to the first character in the name….

Python, MSSQL, and using a Native Driver

A huge thank you goes out to Andrew, his blog, and his Git here! His scripts were a huge help getting unixODBC and Python 3 talking via the Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server – RedHat Linux on Ubuntu 14.04….

Cloudera Hadoop Cluster Setup

A simple walk-through with the standard commands used, along with some best practices, for setting up Cloudera’s Hadoop Infrastructure: Cloudera Manager 5.4.1 & CDH 5.4.1…

Human Readable Byte Conversion in T-SQL

A great post I found for doing human readable byte value conversion here:…

Cloudera Cluster Setup Wizard Reset

Recently, while setting up a virtual Cloudera CDH 5 Hadoop cluster, I ran into an issue where the node running Cloudera Manager ran out of system resources while provisioning services on other nodes….

Helpful PostgreSQL Info

Many thanks to Sergey Pashinin and Christophe Pettus for their excellent videos here and here….

IPsec VPN CLient with Shrew Soft

Best VPN Client out there for connecting to almost any IPsec VPN……

OpenSSL on Ubuntu gotcha and fix for Crossbar with GoDaddy Certs

If you are trying to get SSL/WSS working through and are using a GoDaddy G2 cert, you maybe in for a surprise……