Category: CentOS

PowerEdge 13G boot drive from consumer or enterprise SSD or NVMe via UEFI without BOSS

Use Case: Abiliy to boot an 13G node, either R630 or R730, when using the local RAID or HBA for a storage layer, and wanting to use an additional device for boot. With this procedure and some cheap hardware from Amazon, you can boot from a PCI device, with a U.2 or M.2 SSD or…

oVirt Setup with PowerFlex (ScaleIO) Storage

For many of us out there, running VMware as the only hypervisor is quite expensive. Especially when using a SDS type of storage solution, such as PowerFlex, or legacy ScaleIO. In this post, will contain pointers and gotchas, which require modification to successfully deploy. Configuration of Engine & KVM Hosts For this deployment, a standalone…

Spark with Jupyter Integration

Walk-through on setting up a quick test lab for PySpark…

CentOS 7 Minimal Build-Up

Just some quick notes on creating a CentOS VM and making needed changes…