Some great resources and notes for working with PostgeSQL functions (stored procedures)
Data Types:
CREATE TABLE new_book ( id serial, title text, author text ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ins_book(p_title varchar, p_author text) RETURNS integer AS $$ INSERT INTO new_book(title, author) VALUES($1, $2) -- Could use $1, $2 here too RETURNING id; $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' VOLATILE; SELECT ins_book('Twilight', 'Stephanie Meyer') AS book_id; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION upd_book(log_id integer, p_title text, p_author text) RETURNS void AS $$ UPDATE new_book SET title = $2, author = $3 WHERE id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' VOLATILE; SELECT upd_book(1, 'Twilight 2', 'Stephanie Meyer'); -- Three common approaches of returning sets -- RETURNS TABLE -- OUT parameters -- Composite data type CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ret_books(p_title varchar) RETURNS TABLE (id int, title text, author text) AS $$ SELECT id, title, author FROM new_book WHERE title like p_title; -- Could use $1 here too $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE; SELECT * FROM ret_books('%Twilight%'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ret_books_out(p_title varchar, OUT p_id int, OUT title text, OUT p_author text) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$ SELECT * FROM new_book WHERE title LIKE $1; $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE; SELECT * FROM ret_books_out('%Twilight%'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ret_books_com(p_title text) RETURNS SETOF new_book AS $$ SELECT * FROM new_book WHERE title LIKE $1; $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE; SELECT * FROM ret_books_com('%Twilight%'); -- Using PL/pgSQL allows functions to use local variables -- with DECLARE, must use BEGIN..END block CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ret_books_plsql() RETURNS TABLE (id int, title text, author text) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM new_book; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; SELECT * FGROM ret_books_plsql(); -- Trigger Functions -- Define the trigger function first. This function can be used on any table -- that has a title column. Trigger functions that change values of a row -- should only be called in the BEFORE event, because in the AFTER event, -- all updates to the NEW record will be ignored CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_trig_books() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN NEW.title := upper(NEW.title); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; -- Next attach the trigger function to the appropriate trigger -- The trigger will fire before the record is committed. -- PostgreSQL 9.0+ allows us to limit the firing of the trigger -- only if specified columns have changed CREATE TRIGGER trig_books BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF title, author ON new_book FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE f_trig_books(); SELECT ins_book('Inferno 2', 'Dan Brown') AS new_id; --Now see the new title in row that is all caps SELECT * FROM new_book