Finally, a way to get SuperMicro boards to stop blasting the fans for low RPM, quiet fans

“I am using IPMI. I am having trouble with a fan sensor. It keeps giving me readings while nothing is connected. How can I solve this issue quickly and easily?”

One option is to remove the sensor. You can do it with the procedure below. To get the sensor back, you should reflash/update the IPMI firmware.

How to disable IPMI Sensors:



1. run IPMICFG -SDR to get list of sensors and the sensor #

2. run IPMICFG.exe -SDR del 1 (to disable sensor #1 for example)

cd /home/dave/Downloads/IPMICFG_1.33.0_build.210528/Linux/64bit
sudo ./IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -sdr
dave@dave-dev:~/Downloads/IPMICFG_1.33.0_build.210528/Linux/64bit$ sudo ./IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -sdr
Status | (#)Sensor                |      Reading | Low Limit | High Limit |
------ | ---------                |      ------- | --------- | ---------- |
    OK | (4) CPU Temp             |      33C/91F |    0C/32F |   92C/198F |
    OK | (71) PCH Temp            |     38C/100F |    5C/41F |   95C/203F |
    OK | (138) System Temp        |      34C/93F |   -5C/23F |   85C/185F |
    OK | (205) Peripheral Temp    |      31C/88F |   -5C/23F |   85C/185F |
    OK | (272) MB_10G Temp        |     44C/111F |    0C/32F |  100C/212F |
    OK | (339) VcpuVRM Temp       |      30C/86F |    0C/32F |  100C/212F |
    OK | (406) VmemABVRM Temp     |      28C/82F |    0C/32F |  100C/212F |
    OK | (473) VmemCDVRM Temp     |      32C/90F |    0C/32F |  100C/212F |
    OK | (540) DIMMA1 Temp        |      35C/95F |    0C/32F |   85C/185F |
    OK | (607) DIMMB1 Temp        |      36C/97F |    0C/32F |   85C/185F |
    OK | (674) DIMMC1 Temp        |      36C/97F |    0C/32F |   85C/185F |
    OK | (741) DIMMD1 Temp        |      34C/93F |    0C/32F |   85C/185F |
    OK | (808) FAN1               |     1500 RPM |       N/A |   8000 RPM |
    OK | (1210) 12V               |      11.74 V |   10.99 V |    13.26 V |
    OK | (1277) 5VCC              |       5.00 V |    4.29 V |     5.54 V |
    OK | (1344) 3.3VCC            |       3.31 V |    2.82 V |     3.65 V |
    OK | (1411) VBAT              |       3.25 V |    2.47 V |     3.57 V |
    OK | (1478) Vcpu              |       1.79 V |    1.26 V |     2.08 V |
    OK | (1545) VDIMMAB           |       1.19 V |    0.97 V |     1.42 V |
    OK | (1612) VDIMMCD           |       1.19 V |    0.97 V |     1.42 V |
    OK | (1679) 5VSB              |       4.94 V |    4.29 V |     5.54 V |
    OK | (1746) 3.3VSB            |       3.21 V |    2.82 V |     3.65 V |
    OK | (1813) 1.5V PCH          |       1.50 V |    1.34 V |     1.67 V |
    OK | (1880) 1.2V BMC          |       1.20 V |    1.04 V |     1.37 V |
    OK | (1947) 1.05V PCH         |       1.05 V |    0.89 V |     1.22 V |
    OK | (2014) Chassis Intru     |                                    OK |

*Note: List of sensors above have had a number of sensors already removed; FAN1 is CPU fan sensor

sudo ./IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -sdr del 1143

No more fans going to 100% because the system thinks one of them has died due to low RPM!

*Note: Another option that might work in some circumstances if your fan RPM stays high enough: