Pine64 debian base display issues

I recently had some overscan issues via HDMI from the Pine64 to my Dell U3415W…

VMware VCSA Tips & Tricks

Some quick tips and tricks for personal lab VCSA deployment…

CentOS 7 Minimal Build-Up

Just some quick notes on creating a CentOS VM and making needed changes…

Changing the Resolution on a Headless X System

Handy little copy and paste for changing the resolution on a headless X Windows based system (Works in teamviewer)…

Enable RDP Remotely on a Domain PC

A quick post on a batch file I found to enable RDP with Admin privileges remotely for a domain joined PC….

Download offline vSAN HCL DB

To download the offline VSAN HCL file which is actually just a JSON file, you just need to load the above URL into a web browser and then save the file….

Supervisord Startup on Ubuntu

A great script for starting supervisord on Ubuntu……

pgAdmin3 Install on Ubuntu

Installing the latest version of pgAdminIII can be challenging; here is a cheat sheet….

PostgreSQL Functions (Stored Procedures)

Some great resources and notes for working with PostgeSQL functions (stored procedures)…

Increase SSH Client Timeout

You can add the following to your local /etc/ssh/ssh_config file (man ssh_config):…